Kamis, 06 September 2012

I Am A Suburban Girl

Well, Photobucket is back up and running so I'm safe, at least for awhile. I'm sure you can imagine my frustration with almost 13,000 photos on there. I hope they get more servers on their site to take care of all their subscribers.

I am not a country girl. I'm very much a suburban girl...okay, old lady. I'm not fond of living in big cities or small towns. Now, I know this goes against the grain of some of you and that's just fine. If you want to live in the country or on a farm, more power to ya. Me? I want Wal Mart, Costco, Applebees, Olive Garden, Home Depot, Texas Road House, Red Lobster, Taco Bell, Lowe's, Albertson's, banks, gas stations, hospitals, Joanns Fabrics, Michaels and Stone Cold Creamery as close to me as possible.

Recently I came across more absolutely stunningly gorgeous photos. I can't believe how many websites are out there with beautiful photos. Here are some below and more are coming very soon. I try to post every 2 days and that's a lot considering most bloggers. I just want to keep my mind busy and bring some peace into this nutsy world going on out there. Sigh. So just stay tuned, breathe, relax as you'll only get positive things here—and beauty! And I even throw in a video once in a while of our great-granddaughter, Miss Caroline. ;-) Life is so good to me!

This room just struck me when I saw it. Two different kinds of sofas and that regal-looking chair. Uh-huh! Beautiful yellow walls and red fabric on one sofa.

I don't own a lot of jewelry, mainly because I'm not a jewelry person. But this little necklace struck a chord with me. Just beautiful.

I wish I knew where the fabric on that chair was available. It's gorgeous and I'd have loved to have been able to choose it for my new sofa.

One of my obsessions is pretty bottles. I'm looking for a few new ones to decorate for my living room. I'm thinking I'd like to display them on my coffee table. Looks like purchases of new perfume is in my future. :-)

Believe it or not, this is fabric. I saw a lady's website recently where she does gorgeous embroidery for fabrics. I just can't remember where it was. Absolutely stunningly gorgeous fabrics though.

You know roses and pretty polka dot vases grab me, right?

A tea shop in Carmel.

Darling wall hanging.

We all know how clothespin bags grab me. I like this one but have never made one like this. I have some embroidered table runners that I could make into a clothespin bag though.

Look at this sweet hamper some knitter has made.

Eye candy for ya.

Another Carmel cottage.

I have no idea what this room is for but it looks like a dining room. Most unusual with all the plants and the skylight however. Beautiful though.

Imagine Wedgewood blue cupcakes.

Having this room with those chairs would be wonderful also. They look sumptuous and relaxing around that blue footstool for conversing. I'm sort of a prig when it comes to conversation areas in a home.
Linking up with The Dedicated House.

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