Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

The Gifted Line

In the early 1980s I fell in love with another man. His name was John Grossman. His photo is below. He's an artist who, along with his wife, created The Gifted Line of ephemera. At that time he lived in Sausalito, California, which was just north of us above San Francisco and a lovely place to visit. Very artsy and expensive area. Beautiful however. He is now about 80 years old and resides in Tucson, Arizona.

This is some wrapping paper I purchased over 25 years ago. I have one whole roll left but cannot bring myself to use it. It is pretty here but seen in person it is absolutely stunning. More photos of it are below. Trying to capture it on camera is a bit difficult but I did my best.

This is a note pad he had. His note pads were gorgeous.

There are even accordion files with beautiful paper on them.


Another photo of that paper.

Photo albums.

Another view.

As with Thomas Kinkade, he had plates with gorgeous ephemera on them.

Mr. Grossman.

Journals with lovely papers.

More note pads.

Plus the most gorgeous of ephemera I've ever seen.

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