Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011

Pink Saturday Apron Giveaway #3

I drew the winner of the 2nd apron giveaway this past week and have notified the winner who is


Remember that some women emailed me that they wanted to enter and didn't have a blog so you won't see Martie's name on the list. There were 3 or 4 women who did this. How they knew was a mystery to me since it IS a blog. Maybe they just read blogs. But I'm appreciative no matter how they found me.

Today is the 3rd apron giveaway. I want to thank Beverly again for hosting Pink Saturday. Actually, PS is my favorite thing to post. Maybe that's because I love Saturdays, but I also love, adore and relish PINK! However, my favorite day of the week is Monday. I don't know why but it just is.


Nothing need be said about the apron, but I will say it has a piece of a vintage dresser scarf as its pocket. Simply posting your comment here enters you into the drawing. That's it. Nothing could be simpler, just to comment on the post giving away that particular apron.


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