Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Intern Architect – Christopher Presutti

Meet Chris Presutti, Bonin Architects' summer intern architect.  Chris will begin his third year in the Bachelor of Science degree program in Architecture at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston this fall.  He has an impressive portfolio and resume and is also an honorary brother and co-head of the alumni committee of Phi Sigma Pi, a National Honors Fraternity based on the three ideals of Scholarship, Fellowship, and Leadership.
Architect Jeremy Bonin sums it up for us: “We’re very happy to have Chris join Bonin Architects this summer – and personally, I’m excited to have an intern from my alma mater.  He is very talented and brings outstanding communication and artistic ability to the position.”

In his spare time, Chris likes to fish anyway possible, hike, and canoe. He's also an avid snowboarder since the 4th grade and LOVES to cook and travel!

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